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Using Data for Enhanced Nonprofit Performance: Insights and Strategies

Whitepaper, Driving Nonprofit Impact With Data and Technology, synthesizes the findings from a survey Executive Directors of 27 agencies in human services.Survey Insights Data Utilization The survey illuminates a crucial gap, with 73% of agencies underutilizing data in...
by Casebook Editorial Team 7 min read

AI Tools for Human Services Nonprofits

Following are some AI tools for you to consider. There are many others available as well. These solutions will take some of the heavy lift off staff so your organization, and those you serve, can thrive! AI Solutions - Administrative With these tools, you can easily...
by Casebook Editorial Team 13 min read

Buy or Build Your Own Case Management System for Human Services?

You run a social services organization and you're keeping all of your records in a spreadsheet, and now you are wondering if the investment in a case management solution is right for you. You're probably already having trouble getting the reports you need and making...
by Andrew Pelletier 20 min read

Best Practices

The Ultimate Guide to Grant Funding Success

UPDATED for 2024: Discover best practices to securing grant funding with our comprehensive guide. From identifying opportunities to crafting winning proposals, we cover everything you need to succeed.

Download now and start your journey towards grant funding success.

Secure Your Funding Pt. 3 — Emphasis On The Data

So far, we’ve reviewed watchdog sites’ standards, detailing indicators for a nonprofit’s success, and articulating metrics. What do all of these have in common? DATA! Ratings, program development, case-making…all are driven by a drumbeat of qualitative and quantitative data. How the public v...

Reporting Impact and Communicating to Grant Funders

The previous post outlined the primary types of capacity-building projects and reviewed how transformational successful capacity-building implementation have been, for example, nonprofits...

by Sade Dozan4 min read

Capacity-Building Grants | Nonprofit Case Studies

In the previous post, we touched on how capacity-building grants are identified and developed in an effort to better position organizations for growth. Now, we’ll review the power of capacity-building g...

by Sade Dozan4 min read

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Latest Blogs

How School-Based Case Managers Can Prepare for the New School Year

While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School...
While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need. While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need. While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need. While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need. While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need. While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need. While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need. While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need. While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need. While the beginning of the new school year can be a time of excitement, hope, and anticipation, it can also conjure up apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety. Schools are facing big challenges, from lack of funding and outdated policies to safety issues to rising student mental health issues. School-Based Clinical Social Workers (CSWs), or School Social Workers (SSWs), are increasingly being called upon to help pick up the slack. SSWs not only case manage, assess risks and needs, and make referrals to other agencies and providers; they also to provide interventions, such as ongoing therapy. They are tasked with assessing, diagnosing, and treating students with mental and emotional health conditions, serious behavior issues, homelessness, severe trauma, family crises, and more. SSWs are expected to help schools to address: The continuing effects of the pandemic, which hit many students hard The need for interventions and learning recovery Significant attendance issues Behavior problems, including disrespect, defiance, refusal, fighting, bullying, cyberbullying, and violence Ongoing and increasing student mental and emotional health challenges Each year, schools are relying more and more upon SSWs as vital extensions of their staff. SSWs’ caseloads and responsibilities continue to grow, and there’s often a waiting list of students requiring their services. What Can School-Based CSWs, SSWs and CMs Do To Prepare for the New School Year? For SSWs returning to campuses this school year, preparation is key. Of course, all schools and districts are different and have varied needs, but those needs appear to be immense and complex. It’s important to gain some clarity on what those needs are and what exactly your role will be, to have a good idea of what to expect, and have a solid plan. Here are some ideas and considerations for preparing for a successful school year. Logistics Know your school (or schools), the environment, culture, climate, procedures, schedules, and needs. Familiarize yourself with the campus, safety protocols, and staff. Understand who does what, and who your direct contact/s at the school will be. Figure out how you can best work together. Also, be sure that you have what you need, a quiet space that’s big enough and comfortable, and the necessary equipment, technology, tools, and supplies. If possible, schedule a brief meeting with key team members before or soon after school starts. You may also want to take a tour, take possession of keys (to the front gate, your office, the restroom, etc.), familiarize yourself with emergency plans, school maps and bell schedules (on regular, minimum, exam days, etc.), disciplinary rules, and so forth. Know how you will call for students to come to meet with you, how long sessions will be, and what if any passes or forms you will need.
by Lori Granieri 9 min read

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